NOTE: The Australia-Japan Collaboration Program is not currently accepting grant applications. The information below pertains to a previous call for applications, and is provided for future reference.


To be eligible to apply, the applicant must be applying on behalf of one of the following entity types:  

  • an Australian or Japanese company or research institution

  • an Australian or Japanese registered charity, not-for-profit organisation or educational institution

  • an Australian or Japanese government entity

Applications from consortia are acceptable, provided you have a lead applicant who is the main driver of the project and is eligible as per the list above. For details about selection criteria see the Guidelines. The application form will be available when a new round opens.

Selection Criteria

See the full Guidelines for more complete information.

  1. Relevance:  Alignment with the strategic objectives of the Foundation. 

  2. Salience:  Demonstrable outcomes that will contribute to trade, investment, policy or societal aspects of the bilateral relationship.

  3. Innovation:  Originality of research, contribution to innovation and the advancement of knowledge.

  4. Track Record:  Research experience and standing of participants.

  5. Networks:  Potential for building new networks and links between industry, universities and government or other multiplier effects of the research activity.

  6. Sustainability:  Prospect for sustained activity beyond the grant period.

  7. Diversity:  Involvement of diverse and next-generation researchers

  8. Co-contribution:  Evidence of contributions from partners or other research grant bodies.